Keep children safe around dogs

Are you looking for engaging and educational resources to teach your class about responsible dog ownership and safety around dogs? Look no further! Our Child-Dog Safety Resources for Schools offer a comprehensive and fun-filled approach to educating children about interacting safely with our four-legged friends.

Child-Dog Safety

There are approximately 11 million dogs in the UK and many dogs make great family pets. 

Dogs and children can be great friends and being around dogs can help children develop kindness, understanding and respect for living things.

We encourage adults to teach children how to stay safe around dogs, to protect both child and dog, and foster positive relationships.

Daily walks play an important role in a dog’s enrichment and overall well being.  They will typically use this time out and about to sniff and explore their environment, enjoy the physical exercise, and to go to the toilet. They would generally prefer to do this with their owner, and undisturbed by people they don’t know. As such, daily walks can be viewed as a time when a dog is busy and when dogs are busy, we give them space.

However, if there is a time when you or a child feel the need to stroke another person's dog, we suggest following our three Cs:

Check: ask the owner if you can stroke their dog. If the owner says 'no', there might be some important reasons such as the dog feeling poorly that day, or perhaps being worried by strangers. If the owner says no, we politely say thank you and move away. If the owner says yes, you can follow the next step. 

Call: next, ask the dog's permission by calling them over and giving them the choice to come to you if they want to. You could call them over by saying their name or gently patting your legs to get their attention. If they choose not to come over to you, it's important to leave them alone. If they choose to come over to you, you can follow the next step. 

Count: stand to the side of the dog and stroke their shoulder three times. Then pause to see if the dog remains near you. If they choose to move away at any time, let them, without following. If they choose to stay near you, repeat the three C’s


What's Inside:

Interactive Lessons: Our downloadable lesson plans are designed to captivate young minds while instilling crucial lessons on dog behaviour, body language, and communication. These interactive activities will empower children to make informed decisions when encountering dogs.

Colourful Infographics: Visual aids are a powerful teaching tool. Our eye-catching infographics help reinforce essential safety tips, such as how to approach a dog, signs of a comfortable or anxious dog, and what to do in case of an unexpected encounter.

Engaging Videos: Our video resources feature real-life scenarios that encourage empathy and understanding towards dogs. These heart-warming tales will inspire students to treat all animals with kindness and respect.

Safety Posters: Brighten up your school walls with our custom-designed safety posters, serving as daily reminders for responsible behaviour around dogs.

Why Choose Our Resources:

  • Developed by experts in child education and dog safety.
  • Aligned with national education standards, seamlessly integrating into your curriculum.
  • Engaging and age-appropriate content suitable for various grade levels.
  • Promotes responsible pet ownership and empathy towards animals.
  • Encourages a safe and inclusive environment for students and their furry friends.

Canine Communication Handout

A handout that will help children interpret the body language of dogs.

  • Age: 7-11

  • By: PDSA

  • Last update: 16 Aug 2023

Canine Communication PowerPoint

This session identifies how to recognise what dogs are telling us through their body language and how to stay safe around dogs.

  • Age: 7-11

  • By: PDSA

  • Last update: 07 Aug 2023

Canine Communication PowerPoint with Voiceover

This session identifies how to recognise what dogs are telling us through their body language and how to stay safe around dogs. Includes the option of a voiceover from PDSA Vet Nurse, Shauna.

  • Age: All ages

  • By: PDSA

  • Last update: 31 Aug 2023

Let's Talk about Dogs

An informative and activity packed set of resources that help children understand the five things that dogs need to be happy and healthy.

  • By: Wood Green

  • Last update: 16 Aug 2023

Poster - Saying hello to a dog safely

This poster teaches children how to stay safe when saying hello to dogs using our 3 Cs: CHECK. Always CHECK: with the owner to make sure it’s OK to greet their dog. CALL: Call the dog to you by patting your legs and saying their name, or a friendly ‘hello’. COUNT: If the dog chooses to come over, stroke them on the shoulder nearest to you. Count up to 3 strokes, then stop and let them carry on enjoying their day.

  • Age: All ages

  • By: Pet Education Partnership

  • Last update: 03 Jun 2024

Poster for Parents (handout) - Saying hello to a dog safely

This poster teaches children how to stay safe when saying hello to dogs using our 3 Cs: CHECK. Always CHECK: with the owner to make sure it’s OK to greet their dog. CALL: Call the dog to you by patting your legs and saying their name, or a friendly ‘hello’. COUNT: If the dog chooses to come over, stroke them on the shoulder nearest to you. Count up to 3 strokes, then stop and let them carry on enjoying their day. It also has a QR code leading to our website for further information and resources.

  • Age: All ages

  • By: Pet Education Partnership

  • Last update: 03 Jun 2024

Spot the Problem

Spot The Problem is a story that encourages pupils to consider and adapt how they behave in order to keep both themselves and dogs safe.

  • Age: 7-11

  • By: Dogs Trust

  • Last update: 07 Aug 2023