Friends of PEP

Friends of PEP include organisations and forums who work to improve Animal Welfare in the UK and Internationally.  Please click on the links below to find out more information and other exciting educational resources. 

UK Pet Food

UK Pet Food

UK Pet Food has been involved in the Pet Education Resources website since it was launched over ten years ago. As an organisation, we focus on pet nutrition and promote animal welfare through our work. We have a wide range of resources that may be useful reference material for teachers who would like to discuss pet care and nutrition with their students. We also have educational resources about feeding wild birds. You can also watch our short animation about how pet food is made.

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Animal Welfare Education Alliance

Animal Welfare Education Alliance

The Animal Welfare Education Alliance (AWEA) is a twice-yearly forum and sounding board for educationalists working across the animal welfare sector. Established in 2009, the AWEA includes over 20 animal welfare charities including RSPCA, Dogs trust, Blue Cross, Cats Protection, PDSA, Woodgreen and many more. 

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Naturewatch Foundation

Naturewatch Foundation

Naturewatch Foundation is a registered charity with a mission to end animal cruelty and improve animal welfare standards around the world. We campaign on issues such as low welfare breeding, wildlife crime and animal experiments, and believe that education is an important part of creating a world that is kinder to animals.

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World Animal Day (Naturewatch Foundation)

World Animal Day (Naturewatch Foundation)

As coordinators of World Animal Day, we offer various activities for teachers, parents, and guardians to involve children on October 4th!

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International Cat Care

International Cat Care

Our mission is to enable more people to act in a cat friendly way, to improve cat welfare.  We do this by sharing expert knowledge and engaging learning experiences to motivate change and inspire more people to understand and care for cats. Our activities are grounded in evidence and experience – balancing the tried and tested with the latest scientific research, and challenging ignorance and misconceptions. Our ambition is to drive better care through better understanding of cats through our work and collaborations. 

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Raystede is one of the most diverse rescue centres in the UK because we care for so many different species of animals, with our staff, volunteers, and supporters helping more than 1,200 vulnerable animals each year from our 43-acre site. We also pledge to make the future better for animals through our education programmes and activities.

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Scotland’s Animal Welfare Educators

Scotland’s Animal Welfare Educators

Scotland’s Animal Welfare Educators (SAWE) is a collaboration of organisations working to improve animal welfare. Established by the SSPCA, they consist of many organisations including Dogs Trust, Cats Protection, Blue Cross and PDSA. Although they work with differing animals and in many different ways, they all share the same aim: to improve understanding and kindness towards animals through their Education work. Find out more by watching their video here

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Downloadable engaging lessons and activities focusing on animal sentience, the welfare of working animals, and their crucial role across the world.
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